Rapid Fire - Eclipse Update Site for RDi

Rapid Fire Plug-in Update Site RDi

Hi, this is the Rapid Fire plug-in update site for IBM Rational Developer for i.

Visit the Rapid Fire help site to find out more about the plug-in.

Beta Version - 1.1.12.b001

Installing the Plug-In

Using Eclipse Marketplace

iSphere beta versions are not available at the Eclipse Marketplace.

Using the Rapid Fire Update Site

From the main menu, select "Help > Install New Software..." to enter the "Install" dialog.

Drag-and-drop the URL of the update site into the "Work with:" field:

RDi: Install new software

Then select the options you want to install, press the [Next] button and follow the instructions given on the following pages.

Using a Local Update Directory

Go to the Rapid Fire GitHub Files page and download the zip file for your environment.

Then follow these steps to create your local update site:

Using a Local Update Archive

Go to the Rapid Fire GitHub Files page and download the zip file for your environment.

Then follow these steps to create your local update site:

Installing the RAPIDFIRE Library

The most easiest way to install the library is to upload it from the preference page of the Rapid Fire plug-in. However that requires that you are allowed to start a FTP connection to your host.

Take these steps to use the embedded installer:

Refer to the Rapid Fire help page to see more options for installing the library.

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