Creating a Rapid Fire Job

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Creating a Rapid Fire job is easy when you follow these steps:

Optionally you can :

Create Job

Select option New Job from the context menu of a Rapid Fire filter or a Rapid Fire job to start creating a new job. The host and the Rapid Fire product library are taken from the selected item when you start this way.

Job - Enter the name of the Rapid Fire copy job. The name must follow the rules for host object names.
Description - Enter a descriptive text for the job.
Create environment - Activate the checkbox if you want Rapid Fire to create the copy environment for you. Deactivate the checkbox if you want to create the copy environment by yourself.
Job queue name - Specify the name of the job queue that Rapid Fire shall use for submitting the copy jobs to batch processing.
Job queue library name - Specify the name of the library where the job queue is stored.

Optionally you can press Ctrl+N to open the Eclipse New dialog and select the Rapid Fire - Job wizard to produce a new job. This way, the host and product library attributes are taken from the resource that was selected when you pressed Ctrl+N or you need to specify these information if no Rapid Fire resource was selected.

Add Libraries

Expand the created Job node and select New -> Library... from the context menu of the Libraries node. Then enter the following attributes:

Library - Enter the name of production library where the file that is copied is stored.
Shadow library - Enter the name of the shadow library that contains the target file.

Rapid Fire copies the data from the production file to the shadow file. When the copy job has finished, you can move the production file to a backup library and the shadow file to the production library.

Add Library List

Creating a library list is only required when Create environment has been checked, because Rapid Fire needs to find referenced objects, e.g. a field reference file, when compiling the objects of the shadow library.

Expand the created Job node and select New -> Library List... from the context menu of the Library Lists node. Then enter the following attributes:

Library list - Enter the name of the library list. The name must follow the rules for host object names.
Description - Enter a descriptive text for the library list.
Library - Enter the name of an existing library and click the Add button or press the Enter key to add it to the library list.

You may need to add additional library lists, in case your copy job is going to copy several files, which must be compiled with different library lists. One library list can be assigned to multiple files.

Add File

Refer to Adding Files to a Rapid Fire Job to see how to add a file to a Rapid Fire copy job.

Add Notification

Adding notifications is optionally and only required if you want to be notified about the end of a Rapid Fire job.

Expand the created Job node and select New -> Notification... from the context menu of the Notifications node. Then enter the following attributes:

Position - Enter the position. The position controls the order in which notifications are sent.
Type - Select the type of the notification. For a *USR notification a message is sent to the specified user profile. For *MSGQ notifications you need to specify the message queue that will receive the notification message.
User - Enter the name of the user profile the notification message is sent to.
Message queue - Enter the name of the message queue that will receive the notification message.
Message queue library - Enter the name of the library where the message queue is stored.

You can specify multiple notification targets, which are notified in the order of the specified position numbers.